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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Girija Prasad Koirala dead

KATHMANDU/NEW DELHI - Former Nepalese major minister Girija Prasad Koirala, the architect of the calm discussions that completed a ten years of Maoist insurgency, past away Saturday after pain from respiratory difficulties for almost a fortnight. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh recounted him as “one of Nepal’s biggest managers and an elder statesman of South Asia”.

A personal television conduit and a premier newspapers dwelling said in distinct accounts, citing unnamed family and party causes, that the octogenarian foremost who dropped lifeless early forenoon passed away shortly after noon.

Earlier Saturday, alert and anxiety started to disperse like wildfire in Nepal after Koirala fell into a coma.

“The transient away of Shri Koirala brands the end of an era in Nepalese politics. Shri Koirala had an enlightened dream of India-Nepal relatives and worked genuinely to convey the persons of the two nations nearer together,” Manmohan

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